Autor: romsem
Link: [DI]SCORDARE Memorie Difficili in Italia dal Fascismo al G8
#crowdfunding Sostieni [DI]SCORDARE Memorie Difficili in Italia dal Fascismo al G8 via @betapdb
Transcultural Adaptation (2018)
The Chair of English Literary Studies will host an international symposium on Transcultural Adaptation between 5 and 7 November, 2018.
Einladung zu einem Gastvortrag
Proseminar im Herbst-Winter-Semester 2018
Proseminar im Herbst-Winter-Semester 2018: Exil, Verbannung, Migration in Italiens Literatur und Film; Dozentin: Stephanie Neu-Wendel
Interview mit Carlo Lucarelli
Italia 1943, Lucarelli: "Il nostro peccato mortale? Voltare la testa, ieri come oggi"
monografico di “El Ghibli”
Questo numero monografico di “El Ghibli”, che racconta alcune esperienze di scrittura e di teatro vissute e prodotte insieme da cittadini a diverso titolo (italiani, stranieri, migranti, figli di immigrati, detenuti), è organizzato in tre aree, tra le quali il lettore può muoversi liberamente.
Research Project: „Back to Mogadishu“
LinkAbout the project:
Aden’s political activity is a unique testimony to understand the tormented history of Somalia over the last sixty years. Aden has experienced at first hand the Somali dreams, hopes, plans, failures and tragedies, following the end of colonization until the civil war and the Diaspora . His books are an asset not only for Somali people who want to know about their history from the point of view a reliable character, but also for scholars who are seeking for an essential source of knowledge. The absence of international editions of these books restricts the sharing of such a legacy. Hence the reason for this project aimed at the translation of the two books – so far available only in Italian – and their publication in a single scientific volume
The guardian: „Italy is my country – but it must face its racist history“
LinkViolence and rightwing rhetoric have made this summer a terrifying one for black Italians. The ‘Bel Paese’ must confront its past if it is to change